I couldn't resist sharing the opening paragraph from the paper I'm writing for Dr. C.
I have to wonder, have I come up with the best coffee drink names? If you can think of better I'll sub your answers in for the ones I have here.Imagine with me for a moment an after-life coffee shop where history’s great playwrights gather for lattes and discourse. On the menu there are specialty drinks bearing names like Hamlet-chino, Machinal Macchiato, The Caucasian Chocolate Mocha, and A Doll’s House Blend. In one corner, on purple felt couches sit Euripides and Moliere sharing a slice of Lemon Pound Cake. It is impossible to know what these great playwrights would discuss, separated as they are by 2000 years and a dozen movements in dramatic literature. And yet, it is difficult to imagine that the words “deus ex machine” wouldn’t come up before the night was out.
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