The Playwright's Coffee Shop

I couldn't resist sharing the opening paragraph from the paper I'm writing for Dr. C.

Imagine with me for a moment an after-life coffee shop where history’s great playwrights gather for lattes and discourse. On the menu there are specialty drinks bearing names like Hamlet-chino, Machinal Macchiato, The Caucasian Chocolate Mocha, and A Doll’s House Blend. In one corner, on purple felt couches sit Euripides and Moliere sharing a slice of Lemon Pound Cake. It is impossible to know what these great playwrights would discuss, separated as they are by 2000 years and a dozen movements in dramatic literature. And yet, it is difficult to imagine that the words “deus ex machine” wouldn’t come up before the night was out.

I have to wonder, have I come up with the best coffee drink names? If you can think of better I'll sub your answers in for the ones I have here.


Michael said...

what about 'Oedipus Roast'

Anonymous said...

Amaretto Chekhov
The Merchant of Vanilla
Cinnamon de Bergerac

DAN BUCK said...

who was that? Joey?

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much, Dan! That was actually me that said that! being Daniel H.

DAN BUCK said...

Nice, Hubbard. I'm impressed.

Whitney said...

Americano Buffalo
Starlight Espresso
(A movie, but oh well) Lawrence of Arabica

Clay said...

Two Gentlemen of Cafe Verona Blend.
Anton Chai-kov.

God, I know I'm more clever than this.