Whoa, hold it! Stop everything...

Andrew Saenz... AKA Nick Marquez. Watch the film here.


Signs said...

Haha, really, Dan?

Jane Ashe said...

HAHAHAHA OMG Dan, you're even more of an amazing person than I realized.
P.S. Andrew's hot. Just saying.

lindsay...not amelia said...

that might be the best movie i've ever seen.

Signs said...

I've been getting texts about this all day. I guess I should have remembered about the car scene, huh?

Anonymous said...

I learned that safe oral sex involves a condom. Or at least that's what the girl in the backseat of Andrew's car says.

Anonymous said...

clay if you don't you might get pregnant and go to jail

Whitney said...

bwa haha...nice...i just learned so much about life.

Anonymous said...

Just so I'm clear, the jail thing was like...a bad metaphor, right? They didn't actually go to jail, did they?

DAN BUCK said...

Just spiritual jail, aka HELL